Every year our students work very hard and prepare a musical work to share with others in our studio, family, and friends across the world.
This year’s Spring Recital will take place between, April 22nd and May 3rd.
You might be wondering how an online recital works. There are four steps.
First, video your performance. (Instructions below)
Second, upload to YouTube and share with M3 Creative Academy. We will embed your performance on our website.
Third, watch other student performances, share with your friends and family, leave positive comments, and earn raffle tickets.
Fourth, join us live on Zoom or YouTube on (Time TBD) to celebrate our students and watch clips of each performance.
What’s new this year?
Students are encouraged to join the recap on Zoom. We have loved interacting with our students during student-only studio nights and want to continue with this trend. The meeting will still be broadcast live on YoutTube for students who do not wish to join the meeting and family and friends around the world.
New ways to earn raffle tickets.
Clips of our students’ performances will be shown during the Live Recap.
How To Participate In An Online Recital
Step One: Record Your Video
Camera Tips
Keep your camera still. Use a tripod or prop your camera up in a way where you don’t have to move it.
Place the camera at an angle to where your child is performing. REMEMBER, you can choose to show your child's face or not.
Make sure there is enough light.
Don’t worry about the performance being perfect. Let it be a performance, and doing one “take” is perfectly fine.
If you have more than one child performing, please create and upload one video for each performance.
Editing is not required, but you might want to do a couple of things.
First, cut the beginning and end of the video so the performance is what is highlighted and not the camera being positioned or turned on or off.
You are free to add titles, but this isn’t required. (Remember, NO LAST NAMES)
Feel free to get fancy with different effects.
Step Two: Upload and Share Your Video
YouTube Upload Instruction
Sign in to YouTube with your Google Account.
Click Upload Video and Select Your Video File. The upload will start immediately.
Title Your Video. Include the name of the song and your child's first name (NO LAST NAMES)
Indicate that your video is made for kids. This is a newer requirement from YouTube, so inappropriate ads are not shown to children who are watching your video on the YouTube Page. Watching through M3 Creative Academy's website (recommended) will prevent most ads.
Click the NEXT button until you are on step three, and choose your level of visibility. We recommend UNLISTED, which will prevent your video from being found through search engines and other ways of browsing on YouTube.
Copy and share the link with our owner, Matt Murray, through email. matt@m3creativeacademy.com
Step Three: Participation and FUN
Once, Matt receives your video link, he will embed it on our studio recital page alongside other student’s performances.
Remember to watch other's videos and leave positive comments that encourage others.
How to leave comments
Remember, positive comments ONLY. All negative comments will promptly be deleted.
Be specific and mention the performer’s first name and the piece they performed.
If are a member of our studio or parent of a student who is looking to participate in our annual raffle, please sign your comment with your performer’s FIRST NAME. (REMEMBER: 1 Ticket Per Comment and One Prize Per Family)